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Mini-book on Perfectionism

Mini-book on Perfectionism

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Perfectionism: The Performance Trap

€œEverything has a place and everything in its place! It€™s my way or the highway!€ Does this describe you? Is your best ever good enough? Has your perfectionism alienated you from friends and family?

Have you asked €¦

  • What€™s the difference between perfection and excellence?
  • How can I recognize unhealthy patterns of perfectionism?
  • What are the physical symptoms of perfectionism?
  • What is the root cause for my perfectionism?
  • How can I let go of wanting everything to be perfect?

Compassionate in its approach, rich with Scripture, and easy-to-understand, this 96-page book is a must-have guide on overcoming (and helping others overcome) perfectionism. It includes practical steps and Christian advice on how to break free from the unrealistic expectations and self-defeating thoughts that keep perfectionist stuck in a prison of performance.

There is only one perfect One€”and He is God. If you€™re driven and defeated by demanding details, or if you€™re caught in the performance trap of precision planning, discover how to replace perfectionism with excellence through God€™s perfect Word.

Paperback 96 pages, 4 x 7 inches.

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