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Mini-book on Critical Spirit

Mini-book on Critical Spirit

Regular price $4.99 USD
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Is there someone in your life who has been particularly critical of you or unusually harsh? Is your faultfinder a spouse, a teacher, a supervisor, a friend, or perhaps a parent? At the root of a critical spirit often lie insecurities, selfish interests, and an unrenewed mind. For some, critical attitudes are €œcaught€ from a home life where criticism abounds.

Do you know how to . . . ?

  • Respond to harsh criticism
  • Confront someone with a critical spirit
  • Accept constructive criticism
  • Triumph over negative criticism with truth
  • Demonstrate a caring spirit
If you€™ve been on the receiving end of caustic words and attitudes, or if you must plead guilty to cultivating a critical attitude, there is a solution to such critical clamor through God€™s Word. Let€™s see one another as the Lord sees us€”through the compassionate eyes of Jesus Christ.

Paperback 96 pages, 4 x 7 inches.

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