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Mini-book on Chronic Illness & Disability

Mini-book on Chronic Illness & Disability

Regular price $4.99 USD
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Are you feel insignificant, deprived, even resentful€”those recurrent side effects of chronic illness your doctor failed to mention? Although you try to see the bright side, your outlook is often overcast by the chronic nature of your condition. While others appear to enjoy good health and vitality, you struggle for sensible answers.

Have you asked...

  • Why is this happening to me?
  • How can I help others when I can€™t even help myself?
  • Is God punishing me?
  • Has my sin brought on this condition?
  • If I have enough faith, will God heal me?

Even with a chronic health concern, you can experience the soothing balm of God€™s peace as you apply the biblical prescription for victorious living. And as you do, you can bring encouragement and hope to others who also need God€™s peace in the midst of pain.

Paperback 96 pages, 4 x 7 inches.

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