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Mini-book on Anorexia & Bulimia

Mini-book on Anorexia & Bulimia

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The statistics are staggering. The secret struggle is distressing. Anorexia and bulimia feed the minds of those starving for love and acceptance with the wrong answer.

Do you know that Anorexia & Bulimia ... ?

  • Deteriorate teeth, bone, vision, and memory
  • Destroy vital organs, such as the kidneys and heart
  • Bring to light unresolved pain
  • Discourage many to the point of suicide
  • Distort the victim's self-image
  • Decrease reaction time and the ability to concentrate.

In many ways, dysfunctional families are becoming the "new norm" in our society, affecting families in and outside the church. In this 96-page book, June Hunt explains the signs, characteristics, and impact dysfunctional families have on children's attitudes and behavior€”revealing the ugly truth that dysfunction often produces more dysfunction. She presents practical ways to break the generational cycle of dysfunction€”giving those who come from this background hope and equipping those who minister to them (pastor, church leader, or friend) with practical insight on how to help.

Debilitating eating disorders are rooted in unmet needs, but there's hope! You can be an overcomer as you discover your incredible worth through God's eyes. His love will satisfy your starving soul, and His truth will help align your thinking with God's thinking.

Paperback 96 pages, 4 x 7 inches.

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