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Hope for the Heart

All Topical Videos Bundle

All Topical Videos Bundle

Regular price $1,450.00 USD
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Our topical videos provide practical, biblical guidance on real life issues. This video bundle series includes all of our current available topical videos:

  1. The Abortion Dilemma
  2. Abuse Recovery
  3. Adultery
  4. Aging Well
  5. Anger
  6. Anxiety
  7. Boundaries
  8. Bullying
  9. Caregiving
  10. Childhood Sexual Abuse
  11. Chronic Illness & Disabilities
  12. Codependency
  13. Conflict Resolution
  14. Confrontation
  15. Critical Spirit
  16. Dating
  17. Death & Heaven
  18. Decision Making
  19. Depression
  20. Divorce
  21. Domestic Abuse
  22. Dysfunctional Family
  23. Envy & Jealousy
  24. Ethics & Integrity
  25. Gambling
  26. Fear
  27. Forgiveness
  28. Grief
  29. Guilt
  30. Habits & Addictions
  31. Hope
  32. Identity & Self-Image
  33. Intimacy
  34. Loneliness
  35. Manipulation
  36. Marriage
  37. Parenting
  38. Prejudice
  39. Procrastination
  40. Reconciliation
  41. Rejection & Abandonment
  42. Self-Worth
  43. Sexual Addiction
  44. Sexual Assault & Rape Recovery
  45. Spiritual Abuse
  46. Stress
  47. Suicidal Prevention
  48. Trials
  49. Verbal & Emotional Abuse
  50. Worry

Each video course also comes with:

  • A digital companion guide — a downloadable workbook with notes and questions for further study and reflection
  • "What is God's Heart on …" — a PDF from the Keys for Living book related to each topic with helpful, biblical insights related to this topic

After purchasing this video bundle, you will have access to the videos and downloadable content at all times through your store dashboard.

Find out more about the individual courses and presenters below.

Video Bundle — All Topical Videos

This video bundle series includes all 50 of our topical videos. Find practical, biblical guidance on real life issues to help you grow personally and to be equipped to help others.

Accessing Your Content

Each video course includes a digital companion guide — a downloadable workbook with notes and questions for further study and reflection. You'll also receive a PDF with helpful, biblical content from the Keys for Living book related to each topic. After purchasing this course, you will have lifetime access to the videos and downloadable content through your store dashboard.

About the presenters in this video course:

Eric Scalise, Ph.D., is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist with 40 years of clinical and professional experience. Dr. Scalise serves as Hope For The Heart's Chief Strategy Officer. He is a published author and national/international speaker who frequently works with organizations, clinicians, ministry leaders and churches globally.

June Hunt, M.A., is an author, counselor, speaker, and Founder of Hope For The Heart, a worldwide biblical counseling ministry. Her lifework has yielded landmark contributions in the fields of Christian counseling and Christian radio broadcasting as the host of the award-winning radio program, Hope In The Night.

Haley Scully, M.A., is a counselor, author, and trainer. As the Senior Director of International and Strategic Initiatives, she helps develop and facilitate Hope For The Heart's counseling and caregiving training programs. Haley has conducted training events with partner ministries in over 25 countries around the world.

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